“The exhibition Gaps & Fills features 13 panoramic photographs that challenge traditional modes of representing landscapes…as empirical, patriarchal, and colonial. Liena Vayzman’s images are disorienting as the photographer’s point of view continually shifts, rejecting a singular or authoritative viewpoint. Unexpectedly, fragments of the natural world take on a vertical orientation, but deny the viewer a horizon line or clear sense of space. Vayzman’s work incorporates digital decays and dropouts, called slivers, which randomly occur when digital photography is pushed to its limit. Gaps and glitches of data displayed in the photographs disrupt expectations of a seamless landscape prospect. “

Amy Kurlander, curator, “Data-ism: The Artist as Researcher,” ArtsWestchester (exhibition catalogue), White Plains, New York, 2019, pp. 28-29

“These glitches are loss - loss of data. Each image has distortions in the photograph, sometimes repetitions, stepping, blurring. The investigation of the environment, nature, and figure in the landscape are present — as well as the process of taking the photo, the post-production process, and the destruction of the image through manipulation. It is the manipulation of the photographic data that makes these works so compelling… It is in the beauty of the disruption and loss that the viewer sees the photo completely, It makes one look and look again. What else is there to see in this photo? “

Sherry Mayo, Director, Center for the Digital Arts, Westchester Community College, State University of New York


Lemon Tree Project